Thu, Jun 27, 2024, 9 AM - 10:20 AM PDT Ercument Gorgul, Kris Mun

Meeting : ANFA Doctoral Platform

ADP 3rd Meeting
 Thu, Jun 27, 2024, 9 AM - 10:20 AM PDT   Ercument Gorgul, Kris Mun

Presenter 1:  Haripriya Sathyanarayanan

Title of presentation: Pediatric Inpatient Room Design: A Neuroarchitecture and Affect Study with VR and Biofeedback

Content summary: Hospitalization impacts pediatric patients' well-being significantly, making supportive design essential. This study employs virtual reality (VR), eye-tracking, and facial electromyography (fEMG) to analyze how room design influences children's and parents' emotional responses. We examined the effects of different room layouts—outboard versus inboard—on 28 participants, including younger children, older children, and their parents. Our findings reveal that younger children respond positively to vibrant artwork, older children favor settings that enhance privacy, and parents appreciate elements that facilitate caregiving. These results highlight the need to tailor pediatric room designs to improve emotional comfort for patients and families. 

Presenter bio:  Haripriya Sathyanarayanan is a Ph.D. Candidate in Architecture (Building Science & Sustainability) with a Designated Emphasis in New Media at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on evidence-based design and enhancing the patient experience in pediatric healthcare settings. She employs an interdisciplinary approach, utilizing collaborative design processes, immersive technology, and biofeedback for patient and family engagement in design. Haripriya has contributed to DEI-focused residential energy code projects while expanding her expertise in Building Simulation & Design at the Pacific Northwest National Lab as a Ph.D. Intern. She holds a Master of Science in Building Science and a Bachelor of Architecture. Her research efforts have been recognized with awards, including the prestigious Regents Fellowship, UC Berkeley. Haripriya’s commitment to sustainable and human-centered design is further demonstrated through her certifications: EDAC, LEED AP (BD+C), and WELL AP.


Presenter 2: Katarina Richter-Lunn

Title of Presentation: Evaluating the effects of architectural materials to mitigate the severity of anxiety disorder symptoms

Content Summary: This research evaluates the impact of design-driven spatial qualities, such as architectural building materials, on symptoms of anxiety disorders. Anticipating the technology-driven evolution of the built environment, the research proposes an interdisciplinary methodology which relies on both real-time analyses of quantitative psychophysiological metrics and qualitative appraisal of spatial qualities to rigorously assess which characteristics of space have the potential to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. The results of this research would be among the first studies which quantitatively assess the impact of spatial qualities on anxiety subjects with heightened psychophysical reactivity. In addition, this work could lay the foundation for new methodologies, regulations, or building standards which integrate real-time physiological assessments in closed-loop systems for the built environment

Presenter Bio:  Katarina is an architectural designer, researcher, and doctoral candidate pursuing her Doctorate of Design at Harvard GSD. Her primary research lies at the intersection of design, psychology, and neuroscience to address mental well-being through our built environment. More specifically she studies the psychophysiological effect of our designed spatial qualities to mitigate symptoms of anxiety disorders. As part of this work, she explores perception through the lens of material development, computational design, physical computing, and robotics.

Katarina holds a Master in Design Technology from Harvard GSD and a Bachelor of Architecture from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, with a minor in Sustainable Environments. She has worked at leading firms including Snøhetta, Arup, IwamottoScott, and most recently Gehry Partners, where she worked as a project designer for three years.
